In our Department of Mathematics Education, there are 1 Professor, 3 Associate Professors, 1 Assistant Professor, 2 PhD Research Assistants and 1 Research Assistant. The Department of Mathematics Education, which gave its first graduates in 2013, currently offers undergraduate and graduate education. In our Department, faculty members and students are exchanged within the scope of Erasmus and Farabi mobility.
At the beginning of each new academic year, students are informed about educational objectives, students' rights and responsibilities, ECTS (Bologna Information Package), student exchange programs (such as Farabi, Erasmus), quality assurance, program accreditation, increasing awareness and expectation levels, career planning and management, success level management, bicycle use on campus, library services, prevention of possible grievances related to the student's educational life (add-drop, extracurricular activities, total compulsory and elective courses and projects, internships, seminars).